Empower & Connect
Meet Other Undergraduate Women in STEM
This is essential to building a supportive and empowering community of women in STEM. It is crucial to be able to have this sort of supportive network and keep it throughout college and your future!
Empowerment in the form of Education
Knowledge is Power
In networking and connecting with each other as undergrad women in STEM, also learn about common struggles that impact us in the field, and learn how to best combat these struggles. Knowledge is power!
Inspiration & Mentorship
Hear from Adult Professional Women in STEM
You will be able to hear about the journeys of adult professional women in STEM in a variety of fields when they attend meetings to guest lecture. These women are here to inspire you and show you that your goals are attainable.
Service to the Next Generation
Inspire Younger Girls K-12
Just as we are inspired by each other and by adult professional women, we should inspire those younger than us. Attend K-12 schools in order to promote and inspire younger girls interest in STEM.