On Tuesday, we had our first general meeting of the Spring 2024 Semester! Here is what you missed.....
Membership Requirements
General Membership:
Dues: $15 per semester
If you paid $25 last semester, you do NOT need to pay again, as that covered dues for the entire year
Helps to provide snacks, cords, socials, and more!
Pay via Venmo to: avery_boyk
○ Allows you to participate in all general meetings and other events!
○ Point Requirement:
■ 7 total points per semester to be a Distinguished Member
● Able to getpoints from ANY event (typically 1 point per event)
○ General meetings, guest speakers, socials, fundraiser, volunteering
● Able to earn 1⁄2 point for reposting meeting information on Instagram
(if you also attend the meeting!)
Earn 1⁄2 point for responding to question at end of email (max 3 points)
○ Benefits:
Will be able to run for E-Board
If graduating in may, will be eligible for a graduation cord ● Questions?
○ Reach out to Skye! (ridhasky@msu.edu)
Upcoming Events
Guest Speaker meeting
Stayed tuned for more details on our January guest speaker
Will be on Zoom
Galentine’s Social
Thursday, February 15th
7:30 pm
Location TBD
General meeting
Tuesday, February 20th
7:30 pm
Location TBD
