Here's the recap:
E-Board Applications:
Link to Application :
Excellent opportunity to grow your leadership skills, share your passion for this club, and join a group of amazing women!
There are 3 positions available for the upcoming semester
Co-Vice President -Must be a strong leader! -Assist president and vice president in most tasks -Help create meeting ideas -Run meetings
Outreach Chair -Coordinate volunteering events -Help schedule guest speaker meetings -Maintain relationships with MSU and non-MSU affiliates -Works closely with Relations Chair
Secretary -Write and send emails to current and prospective members -Create attendance forms for meetings
Application Process:
Must have 5 points or more to be considered (We are understanding if you do not have 5 points, we just ask that you include why in the application)
Complete the application by March 15th, 2024 @ 11:59pm
More information will be released later about day/time/location of interviews
Interviews are in-person, business-casual attire
Please notify us ASAP if the released day/time/location does not work for you!!
If you have any general questions please reach out to Jacqueline (! For any position-specific questions, reach out to the appropriate current chairperson (all emails available on WIS website)!
Apparel :
Apparel Form:
Sweatshirt - $45

Crewneck - $40

Sticker - $5

Orders and payment is due by 3/14 @ 11:59pm
@CaitlinONeill5803 on venmo
If you need arrangements to pay in person please let us know!
Orders will be in by the end of March and we will be distributing them at the last general meeting
Upcoming Events:
Guest Speaker Meeting 3/5/24
Riley Spalding
Submit questions to Riley! Link :
Volunteer Event 3/9/24
more details to come
March General Meeting 3/12/24
Wells Hall B122
Blaze Pizza Fundraiser 4/5/24
300 N. Clipper Street, Lansing