Here is what you missed.....
Upcoming Events
Study Social
- Thursday, Nov. 16th at 7:30pm at STEM 2201
Girls in STEM Day
- Saturday, Nov.18th at 11:45-4pm. (MAX Volunteers have been reached)
Last General Meeting
- Tuesday, Dec 5th at 7:30pm in Wells Hall B117
Distinguished Membership Requirement
To obtain distinguished membership requirement:
7 points per semester
Can get points from any event(examples: general meeting, guest speaker, study social, volunteer, etc)
Get 1/2 point for reposting event reminders on your Instagram story and Attending the meeting (make sure to tag us so we can see it)
You are able to run for E-board
If you are graduating in December or May, you may be eligible for a graduation cord.
Questions? Reach out to Skye at
Other Opportunities:

MCAT Preview Sessions

Volunteer for a research study!
